Bundamba STP FST 3 Centre Column Replacement
About the project
A recent condition assessment conducted of FST 3 at Bundamba Sewerage Treatment Plant (STP) found extensive corrosion and sectional loss of the centre column outlet portals. Pensar were engaged for the urgent
replacement of this centre column to ensure the plant maintained its operating capacity.
Bundamba, Queensland
Client & Duration
Urban Utilites
August 2022 - February 2023
Project Scope
- Supply and installation of the replacement centre column for FST 3 at Bundamba STP
- Design, supply, installation, and removal of all temporary works required to achieve the project outcomes
- Disposal of redundant centre column
- Recommissioning of re-assembled FST 3 with new centre column
- The distance between FST centre column and the crane was significant. This required a comprehensive lift study as well as evaluation of ground conditions to determine the optimum location of the crane
- The existing electrical connections of the FST were faulty, which led to slight delays in commissioning
- During construction, our team identified that the FST Feed Well and EDI were in poor condition
- Our increased preconstruction planning across the team resulted in the project being completed before the initial Project Completion date
- After discovering the condition of the FST Feed Well and EDI, our team urgently notified relevant stakeholders and proceeded to work closely with Urban Utilities to carry our immediate repairs in order to
avoid another FST shutdown. Pensar was able to assist and repaint the Feed Well and EDI within the original project schedule - During the construction planning meeting, our team decided to purchase a davit rather than leasing scaffolding from subcontractor. This decision allowed us to implement a safe rescue plan and save costs